Donald Trump is ramping up for one 2024 fight that left Democrats scared as hell

The Democrats are in turmoil as the election begins to...

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Democrats are facing this awful decision after they got bad news about Joe Biden

The Democrat Party is facing a massive crisis about what...

About Election Buzz

Most Politicians Lie, Even to Themselves

The team here at Election Buzz has over eight decades of combined experience working on Capitol Hill and campaigns for the U.S. House, Senate, and even President of the United States.

We get to know politicians’ records inside and out and will regularly report to our readers exactly where they stand on the issues that matter most – not by what they say, but by what they do.

Elections are exciting times.

The Founding Fathers built a great system of checks and balances where the American people regularly get to select their Representatives and Senators who represent them in
Washington, D.C.

But for far too long, politicians have been able to pull the wool over voters’ eyes thanks to a complicit media that refuses to hold corrupt politicians to account.

Election Buzz is going to cut through the noise and deliver the hard-hitting truth about what politicians are really up to on a day-to-day basis.