Photo by Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Flickr,

The Libertarian Party is all about freedom and small government, but they often struggle to make headway in a two-party system.

Fortunately, some seasoned libertarians are stepping up to the plate and working hard to make changes in Washington, D.C.

And now the once popular Libertarian has just announced his bid to run for Senate, and he made it clear that he’s doing so as a Republican.

Justin Amash announces bid for Senate

Former Rep. Justin Amash (MI) registered as a Libertarian in 2020 and was the first member of his party to serve in Congress.

He briefly considered running for President as a Libertarian but ultimately decided not to seek re-election to his House seat in Michigan.

Amash represented the 3rd Congressional District in Michigan from 2011 to 2021 and started as a Republican, but eventually left the party in 2019, declaring himself an independent.

The former Representative was a vocal opponent of Donald Trump and even voted to have him impeached.

Those moves alienated Amash from many of his formerly strong supporters. 

However, Amash just made an official announcement that he is planning to run for an open US Senate seat in his state of Michigan.

He took to the social media platform X, writing, “After thoroughly evaluating all aspects of a political campaign, I’m convinced that no candidate would be better positioned to win both the Republican primary and the general election. That’s why, today, I’m making it official: I’m joining the race for United States Senate in Michigan.”

Amash made it clear that he plans to run as a Republican and will be running for the seat of Democrat Senator Debbie Stabenow, who is set to retire.

He also took a shot at his fellow GOP Senate candidate, establishment RINO Representative Mike Rogers, writing, “The advantage is ours in this battle, but that doesn’t mean victory will be easy. Mitch McConnell’s handpicked candidate, Mike Rogers, has built his career on expanding the power of the state at the expense of individual liberty, and the establishment will stop at nothing to get him elected.”

The top Democrat attempting to win the open seat is Michigan Rep. Elissa Slotkin.

Amash is ready for a fight

In January, Amash announced he was forming an exploratory committee for the Senate seat and called the other challengers “uninspired, unserious, and unprepared” to take on the many challenges America faces.

Other candidates for the Primary in Michigan include former Representative Peter Meijer and businessman Sandy Pensler.

James Craig, the former police chief of Detroit, was also running for the seat but eventually dropped out.

Not surprisingly, the Michigan Democrat Party responded to Amash’s announcement.

They highlighted the “brutal infighting” among Republicans in their state, with Democrat state party leader Lavora Barnes saying that the Republicans’ “caustic showdown will leave them with a badly damaged nominee who is out of touch with Michigan families.”

Only time will tell whether this former outspoken libertarian will be the right man for the job.

Election Buzz will keep you up-to-date on any developments to this ongoing story.

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