@SenatorTester, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Election season means it’s time for Democrats to lie to voters about their voting record.

One Democrat in the fight of his life decided to stretch the limits of believability.

And a vulnerable Senate Democrat is in hot water for this dirty trick to fool Trump voters.

Red state Democrat trying to fool conservative voters

U.S. Senator Jon Tester (D-MT) is the most vulnerable Democrat up for reelection in the Senate this year.

Montana is a ruby-red state that former President Donald Trump carried by 16 points in the 2020 Election.

Tester has spent time in the Senate being a rubber stamp for the Democrats’ extreme agenda in Washington, D.C.’s “Swamp” and acting like a moderate to voters back home in Montana.

Trump is going to easily carry Montana again this fall, so Tester will need Trump voters to their split ticket and vote for him to win.

Now he’s trying to cast himself as a champion for border security and distance himself from the Biden border crisis.

Jon Tester uses Trump’s border wall in a campaign ad after voting against it

To appeal to conservative voters that he’ll need to win, Tester launched a $14.5 television ad campaign touting the alleged work he’s done to secure the southern border.

He boasts that he’s “worked with Republicans” to “target fentanyl traffickers and add hundreds of new border patrol agents.”

The commercial features several shots of a border wall to boost his tough-on illegal immigration bona fides

But his actual voting recording and public statements tell the real story of what he thinks about a border wall and border security.

Tester was an opponent of Trump’s border wall calling it “ineffective and wasteful” in 2019 and voted against it multiple times. 

He voted against an amendment in 2022 that would have provided $500 million to Customs and Border Protection for stopping illegal drugs from crossing the border.

And he voted against a similar amendment in 2021 that would have reallocated $300 million in unspent pandemic relief for the same purpose.

Tester’s ad claims “he fought to stop President Biden from letting migrants stay in America, instead of remaining in Mexico.”

But he voted against reinstating Trump’s “Remain in Mexico” policy in 2022. 

When it came time to hold a trial for impeached Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas in the Senate, he voted with Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) to dismiss it.

Tester’s GOP challenger, former Navy SEAL Tim Sheehy, slammed him for his border betrayal.

“Everyone should be outraged that Jon Tester does more for illegal immigrants in Washington than he does for legal, taxpaying, American citizens,” Sheehy said. 

Jon Tester vowed in his commercial that he’ll “do whatever it takes to keep Montana safe” but his record tells a different story.

*Election Buzz Official Polling*

HOT TOPIC: Is the Biden border crisis hurting Democrat candidates?

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