Photo by Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Flickr,

It’s all hands on deck for Democrats with Joe Biden’s reelection campaign flailing.

Now the party is turning to its biggest stars to intervene. 

And Barack Obama joined the 2024 fight with this rescue mission for Joe Biden.

Barack Obama trying to fire up uninspired Democrats for 2024

President Joe Biden has a serious enthusiasm problem with key groups in the Democrat Party’s base.

Young, Hispanic, and black voters aren’t excited about the prospect of heading to the polls for the 82-year-old President this fall.

Polling shows that a majority of Democrats think he’s too old to serve a second term and that the party’s base wants someone else at the top of the ticket.

To generate some grassroots enthusiasm for Biden, former President Barack Obama is riding to the rescue.

Obama is appearing with Biden in online ads asking small-dollar contributors to pitch in for his reelection campaign.

Seven different ads are being run on social media that portray the former President and his Vice President – known for having a frosty relationship – as best buddies.

“Did you know that by pitching in the cost of a morning cup of Joe, you can help re-elect my friend Joe?” Obama said in one ad while standing next to Biden.

“Whether it’s three dollars or more, no gift is too small to make a difference,” Biden adds.

Biden closed by trying to scare Democrats into donating by teasing the possibility of former President Donald Trump winning the election.

“We all have a role to play to make sure that Donald Trump never steps foot in the Oval Office again,” Biden said. “We are relying on you.”

The Biden campaign has been leaning on Obama and his popularity with the party’s base to help boost their fundraising this cycle.

Obama joined Biden and former President Bill Clinton for a star-studded celebrity fundraiser at New York City’s Radio City Music Hall that brought in $25 million.

Democrats are trying to build up a massive campaign war chest for Biden while they tie down Trump in lawfare.

But money can’t buy the Presidency as the 2016 Election revealed.

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton outspent Trump by about two to one in her losing effort.

Obama privately panicking about Trump winning the election

The Washington Post reported that earlier this year Obama warned Biden about Trump’s political strength.

Obama is particularly worried about the youth vote turning for Biden this year according to a report from left-wing outlet Talking Points Memo.

“The truth is we don’t just need young people to vote in November,” a source from Obama’s inner circle told the outlet. “We need them to work hard and stand in line and call their friends and throw everything they have at this. And so I think it’s fair to say that young people will be the ball game, as they were in 2020.”

Polling shows that younger voters are a five-alarm fire for Biden with his support slipping substantially from 2020.

Democrats are deploying the biggest name in the party to try and drag the President across the finish line this November.

*Election Buzz Official Polling*

Is Joe Biden an unpopular President?

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