Photo by Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Flickr,

Nikki Haley thought her Presidential aspirations were coming to a close.

But she was thrown one surprising lifeline. 

Now Nikki Haley is facing one major decision that could turn Joe Biden’s life into a nightmare.

Former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley vowed that she would continue her Presidential campaign after she suffered her latest blowout defeat to former President Donald Trump in her home state’s Primary.

Haley is continuing her campaign to at least Super Tuesday, when dozens of states head to the polls.

Based on polling, she’s on pace to lose every GOP Primary contest by double digits.

The former South Carolina Governor has to begin considering what direction her political future will take as her campaign draws to a close.

A third-party Presidential campaign could be in Nikki Haley’s future

No Labels is a centrist political group created by Democrats that have been searching for a Presidential candidate to run on their ticket. 

Former Rep. Joe Cunningham (D-SC), the national director for No Labels, appeared on Fox & Friends Sunday where he floated the idea of Nikki Haley becoming the group’s candidate.

“We’re looking for great quality people, folks that have broad appeal to independents, Democrats, Republicans,” Cunningham said. “And, yeah, I mean, Nikki Haley is somebody we’d definitely be interested in.”

No Labels is hoping to back a Presidential candidate to give the country another choice between Trump and President Joe Biden.

Cunningham admitted that the group is already speaking to potential candidates.

“The truth is we’re talking to a lot of spectacular people right now, and we’re not ready to unveil those folks just yet,” Cunningham said.

Haley’s campaign was quick to deny that she had any interest in No Labels.

“Nikki has no interest in No Labels. She’s perfectly happy with the Republican label,” a Haley spokesman said.

The former South Carolina Governor has vowed to stay in the GOP Primary but at some point, reality is going to set in.

She has no hope of winning the nomination and her campaign has alienated conservative voters who dominate the GOP’s base.

Haley’s brand is now toxic with the vast majority of Republican voters.

Her 2024 campaign has ruined what slim chances she had of competing in 2028 for the GOP nomination.

No Labels could be the only path open to her if she wants to remain in elected politics.

Democrat Congressmen recruiting Nikki Haley to run third-party

Rep. Dean Phillips (D-MN) – who is running a hopeless Primary challenge to Biden – said during a Minneapolis radio interview that he would be open to joining Haley on a unity ticket.

“Let’s say she [Haley] ran as an independent, you would run as her VP?” WCCO radio host Chad Hartman asked Phillips. 

“I think it’s a conversation Ambassador Haley and I should have, if that’s what this comes down to,” Phillips replied.

A strong third-party candidate is Democrats’ worst nightmare since polling shows they would overwhelmingly take votes from Biden.

And Nikki Haley could inadvertently help put Donald Trump back in the White House if she ran as the No Labels candidate.

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