Photo by Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Flickr,

Every poll so far released shows that a Donald Trump vs Joe Biden rematch seems highly likely. 


The biggest question on many voters’ minds remains whom Donald Trump might pick to serve as his running mate. 


But jaws hit the floor after Trump unveils these potential Vice Presidential picks. 


Donald Trump could inch closer to victory with the right running mate selection


Political experts are torn regarding the significance of running mates in a Presidential election. 


However, given the very real possibility of a close election, many believe that Donald Trump’s selection could make a major difference. 


Pundits have tried to predict whom Donald Trump will pick, with many putting their chips on former Presidential hopefuls Vivek Ramaswamy or Ron DeSantis. 


But last Tuesday, Donald Trump cleared the air about this highly anticipated decision, unveiling some of the people on his running mate shortlist during a Fox News town hall event in Greenville, SC. 


Fox News personality Laura Ingraham hosted the event and asked Donald Trump whether   Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, Senator Tim Scott of South Carolina, Vivek Ramaswamy, South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem, Congressman Byron Donalds of Florida, and/or former Congresswomen Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii in particular were on the list. 


Trump responded, “They are.  Honestly, all of those people are good. They’re all good, they’re all solid.”


He then pointed to Senator Tim Scott, who was sitting in the front row, and then said “A lot of people are talking about that gentleman right over there.”


The crowd responded with thunderous applause, prompting Senator Tim Scott to stand up and wave at the audience. 


Trump added, “He’s been such a great advocate. I have to say this in a very positive way, Tim Scott, he has been much better for me than he was for himself. I watched his campaign, and he doesn’t like talking about himself. But boy does he talk about Trump.  I called him and I said, ‘Tim, you’re better for me than you were for yourself.’”


Many pundits believe that Senator Tim Scott would make a strong addition to the Donald Trump campaign, especially as Donald Trump’s running mate, because he’s black. 

But the problem is Tim Scott is as establishment as they come and Trump supporters are wary of Trump picking a Vice President based on identity politics instead of their commitment to America First policies.


Donald Trump has his work cut out for him regardless of who he chooses as his running mate


As it stands, Donald Trump has an edge in most head-to-head polls against Joe Biden, and leads in many head-to-head polls taken in swing states like Michigan and North Carolina. 


However, if history has proven anything, it is that polls cannot be trusted. 


Donald Trump undeniably has momentum, however, Democrats and their media allies will do absolutely anything to derail his campaign.


Many political experts believe that well-funded campaigns to do just that are gaining steam and will be implemented in the very near future. 


Election Buzz will keep you up-to-date on any developments to this ongoing story.

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