Photo by Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Flickr, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/
Joe Biden’s Presidency has wreaked havoc on the country.
Now his radical agenda is poised to drop the hammer on one state.
And voters in this must-win swing state are terrified of Joe Biden costing them their job.
Will the rust belt go red?
Michigan has become one of the most important swing states for the 2024 Election.
President Joe Biden narrowly won the state in the 2020 Election but his extreme electric vehicle (EV) agenda is putting the state out of reach this year.
The auto industry has been at the heart of Michigan’s economy but the electrification push is threatening to decimate it.
Autoworkers are terrified of losing their jobs because of Biden’s EV push according to a report from The New York Times.
EVs have fewer parts than a traditional internal combustion engine, which will require fewer workers to manufacture their engines.
What manufacturing that will be done on EVs will be mostly outsourced to China, which dominates the production of their batteries.
Tens of thousands of jobs could be eliminated or shipped overseas because of Biden’s EV push.
Biden’s ambitious vision for an all-electric automotive industry would devastate auto manufacturing jobs in Michigan.
University of Michigan economic forecaster Gabriel Ehrlich predicted that Michigan would suffer from heavy job losses in a rapid transition to EVs that Biden is aiming for.
Ehrlich said that Michigan could lose nearly 100,000 auto manufacturing jobs by 2050 if the electric transition moves quickly enough.
That would also cost another 330,000 jobs in industries supporting the automotive sector like insurance and trucking.
Blue collar workers feel betrayed
Tiffanie Simmons, a second-generation autoworker at a Ford manufacturing plant outside of Detroit, told the Times she felt betrayed by Biden’s EV push.
“I was disappointed,” Simmons said. “We trust you to make sure that Americans are employed.”
Nelson Westrick who works at a Ford plant in Sterling, Michigan called the electrification push “scary.”
“It’s scary right now with the whole electric push,” Westrick said. “This electric stuff is going to kill, just kill, thousands and thousands of jobs.”
Biden’s EV agenda is opening the door for former President Donald Trump to win Michigan’s crucial 15 Electoral Votes this fall.
Trump has attacked Biden’s EV agenda and worked hard to court autoworkers in the state.
He skipped the second GOP Presidential Primary debate last year to hold a rally with autoworkers in Michigan.
Trump currently has a 4.6% lead over Biden in Michigan in the RealClearPolitics polling average for the state.
And Joe Biden’s EV agenda could blow up in his face by costing him Michigan and potentially a second term in the White House.
Election Buzz will keep you up-to-date on any developments to this ongoing story.