Gage Skidmore from Surprise, AZ, United States of America, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The warning signs are already flashing red for Joe Biden’s re-election campaign.

Democrats are trying to mount a rescue mission to drag him across the finish line in November.

And Hillary Clinton gave Joe Biden one piece of advice about 2024 that Democrats will hate.

Hillary Clinton schemed to get Joe Biden on an interview on Howard Stern’s show

President Joe Biden had a rare sit-down interview when he appeared on former shock jock Howard Stern’s SiriusXM show.

The interview came one day after The New York Times blasted him in an open letter for the lack of access he grants to the press.

Biden was lobbed softballs by a fawning Stern for an hour in an interview that featured nothing of substance.

The President told multiple fabrications about his life that included being arrested for protesting for civil rights, being a football star, saving lives as a lifeguard, and receiving salacious pictures from women that he gave to the Secret Service while he was a Senator in the 1970s.

Senators don’t receive Secret Service protection.

He was either lying or he’s so cognitively impaired that he no longer knows what’s real. 

Howard Stern producer Gary Dell’Abate revealed that it was Hillary Clinton’s team that helped make the Biden interview happen.

“Believe me, there were a lot of people who were involved in helping this booking from people inferred on all that stuff — but you know who was super helpful on this? Really, really helpful. Hillary Clinton,” Dell’Abate said on Stern’s wrap-up show. “Her people really let Biden’s people know this was a good place to be.”

The Stern producer said that the Biden interview had been in the works for four years.

Dell’Abate said it “became very serious probably about three months ago, and then once it was done, man it moved at, like, warp speed.”

Howard Stern believes he could have won the 2016 Election for Hillary Clinton

Stern – a one-time shock jock – has become a mouthpiece for the Democrat Party in recent years.

He backed Clinton during the 2016 Election and believes that if she had appeared for an interview on his show she would have won.

Stern revealed during a 2019 appearance on The Late Show With Stephen Colbert that he tried to get Clinton to appear on his show.

“I thought that if I interviewed with Hillary that she would reach a new audience,” Stern said. “What if Hillary had come on and forgotten politics for a second, but what if we could have talked about her humanity, why she got into public service?”

The former shock jock believed that if he interviewed Hillary, it would have helped “humanize” her to voters.

Stern said that he was able to change his listener’s opinions of the celebrities that he interviewed.

“There’s a segment of my audience that really gets turned on to people they thought they hated because we tap into their humanity. They were like, ‘F**k Lady Gaga, why are you having her on?’ And then it’s over, and they go, ‘S**t man, I’m going to go see her in concert,’” Stern remarked.

He arrogantly thinks he could have changed voters’ perception of Clinton that had been baked in for decades.

In the aftermath of the Stern interview, Biden’s campaign announced that they would shorten his public speeches.

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