Joe Biden is stuck in political quicksand.

The more Biden thrashes about, the worse his predicament grows.

And Joe Biden’s campaign collapsed after hearing these three words.

All sides of the political spectrum hate Joe Biden

Anti-Semitic, pro-Palestinian protests keep roiling American college campuses.

These protests present a political dilemma for Biden and the Democrats.

The sight of spoiled college leftists calling for genocide against Jews horrifies the broader electorate.

But Joe Biden can’t afford to condemn the terrorist sympathizers out of fear of alienating Muslim voters in Michigan.

Now Biden is facing the worst of both worlds.

The Crimson White Editor-in-Chief, Maven Navarro, posted a video from the University of Alabama, where pro and anti-Palestinian protestors found the one thing that united them.

And that’s their hatred of Biden.

“F*** Joe Biden!” Navarro’s video showed both sides chanting.

The pro-Palestinian protestors also denounced Biden, Israel, and defense contractors, shouting:

“Hey Israel, what do you say? How many kids did you kill today?”

“Hey Biden, what do you say? How many kids did you kill today?”

“Ceasefire now!”

“Hey, Hey, Ho, Ho, Lockheed Martin has got to go!”

“Free Palestine!”

The anti-Palestinian protestors simply sang the national anthem.

Biden says very fine people on both sides

The images of terrorist-sympathizing mobs taking over college campuses and recreating scenes straight out of the 1930s by trying to block Jews from walking on campus and calling for genocide proved too embarrassing for Biden to ignore.

After a week of silence, Biden finally spoke.

But Biden was so afraid of alienating Muslim voters in Michigan that all he could offer was a weak attempt to chide anti-Palestinian protestors on bigots while the anti-Semites were chanting “kill the Jews” on college campuses.

Donald Trump, on the other hand – clearly denounced the left-wing mobs carrying out their revenge fantasies against the state of Israel by targeting Jewish students for harassment.

“There is no place for hate speech or violence of any kind, whether it’s anti-semitism, Islamophobia, or discrimination against Arab-Americans or Palestinian-Americans. It’s simply wrong,” Trump declared at a campaign rally in Wisconsin.

Trump called on college administrators to enlist the police to arrest violent insurgents and criminal trespassers.

“To every college president, I say remove the encampments immediately,” Trump added. “Vanquish the radicals and take back our campuses for all of the normal students.”

The polls reflect the contrast in leadership

The American people recognized Biden’s weakness and Trump’s strength.

An Economist/YouGov poll found a near supermajority of Americans saw Trump as a strong leader.

“A majority of 58 percent of all adult respondents say Trump is a strong leader, including a plurality of 35 percent who see him as ‘very strong’,” Breitbart reported.

By comparison, nearly two-thirds of Americans saw Biden as a weak leader.

“A strong majority (64 percent) say Biden is a weak leader. Moreover, 45 percent of all poll participants regard Biden as ‘very weak’,” Breitbart also reported.

Condemning pro-terrorist mobs that openly chant for the genocide of Jews should be a layup for a President to condemn.

But the fact that Biden lives in fear of these voters only confirms the public’s view of him as an invertebrate political hack.

*Election Buzz Official Polling*

Is Joe Biden a weak leader?

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