Rachel Leppert, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

RINO Nikki Haley disappeared after she was crushed in the Republican Presidential Primary.

Now she’s come up from the depths of the “Swamp” to break her silence. 

And Nikki Haley made one confession about the election that no one saw coming.

Nikki Haley talks about her 2024 dilemma 

RINO former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley dropped out of the Republican Presidential Primary in early March after getting trounced on Super Tuesday by former President Donald Trump.

She ended her embarrassing Presidential with only two wins, in Vermont and the “Swamp” in Washington, D.C.

Since her March concession speech, where she refused to endorse Trump, she’s faded away from the spotlight.

Haley took a job at the Hudson Institute, a “Swamp” thinktank in Washington, D.C., which thinks the country’s top priority should be funding President Joe Biden’s failed war in Ukraine.

She made her first public comments since she dropped out of the Presidential race in March at an event at the Hudson Institute.

And it confirmed that she’s learned nothing since and has no future in the Republican Party.

“Trump has not been perfect on these policies,” Haley said. “I have said that many, many times. But Biden would be a catastrophe. So, I will be voting for Trump.”

But she still refused to endorse the former President despite signing a pledge to do so to participate in debates sanctioned by the Republican National Committee (RNC). 

Nikki Haley participates in media hoax 

Haley and her supporters, which included Democrat megadonors like LinkedIn co-founder Reid Hoffman, who lit on fire nearly $100 million to win one state in the GOP Primary.

She ran as a relic of the Bush-McCain era GOP with her support for illegal immigration, transgenderism for children, and the war in Ukraine.

Not surprisingly, Haley didn’t gain any traction in the Primary.

Her base of support came from Democrats actively crossing over to participate in the GOP primary so they could go against Trump.

“Having said that, I stand by what I said in my suspension speech. Trump would be smart to reach out to the millions of people who voted for me, and not assume that they’re just going to be with him,” Haley said.

Trump has correctly rejected this nonsense in the past.


“They’re all going to vote for me again, everybody,” Trump said. “And I’m not sure we’re going to need too many.”

Haley is still pulling in about 10% to 20% of the vote in the GOP Primary, even after she dropped out.

This is one of the biggest scams pushed by Democrats and their media allies this election to make themselves feel better about Biden’s chances in November.

The media claims that this zombie vote for Haley is a bunch of disaffected Republicans who will vote against Trump in November.

Trump is doing better than any other nonincumbent Presidential nominee of either party this century with the zombie vote – a nominee in a Primary against candidates who’ve all dropped out.

Democrats and the media are convinced this matters because they don’t want to confront the hard truth about Biden’s abysmal polling. 


Election Buzz will keep you up-to-date on any developments to this ongoing story.

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